Weekly Free Event
Come out and use our space to create whatever it is that brings you joy.
Wonderwood Springs has always been a place to create what you want to create, draw what you want to draw and be who you want to be, but we’ve never hosted an event to celebrate this! Starting Monday March 25th, Wonderwood Springs will begin hosting a weekly free event, lovingly titled: MAKER MONDAY! Come out and use our space to create whatever it is that brings you joy. Design your next zine, make a puppet, doodle the day away or even bring in some legos! From 5pm - 8pm we’ll also be featuring a special for folks participating: $1 off draft beer and our non-alcoholic elixirs! So come on out, make some friends (and some art) every Monday from here on at Wonderwood Springs: 8811 N Lombard Avenue in St Johns! We can’t wait to see you!